
Check queue length in retail stores

How does it work

Morigan.Retail is a solution that allows you to determine the queue length using computer vision technology.
If the system sees an excess of the number of people in the queue, you will receive an email, sms-alert.

Here and now

Information about the number of people in the queue and notification of the excess of a given parameter is received by the operator in real time

New tehnology

It is possible to install cameras in rooms with low ceilings thanks to the projection and technology of neural networks


The program generates reports in Excel format.

Accurate count

The method of determining the number of people in the queue is selected depending on the tasks – counting by carts, heads

Centralized management

Unified information center for retail control

What do you get with the introduction of the system

• Improved service quality
• Increase customer loyalty
• Increased store reputation
• Reducing the “human factor” to a minimum
• Reduction of time for personal control of cashiers
• Objective information in reports

Commercial Director

LTV increase
Formation of a positive image of the retail network


An innovative solution that increases the competitiveness of your company


Obtaining objective information on all retail
Reducing the cost of hiring additional staff

Senior Cashier

Reducing time for personal control of employees

The scope of work on the integration of the system

Step 1: Installation of video cameras aimed at the cash area

Step 2: Installing and configuring video analytics software "Morigan.Retail", setting the threshold value for the number of customers in the queue

Step 3: Installation of the “Morigan.Retail” control center

Step 4: Operational control and notification

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+7 (800) 700-16-68

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Nizhny Novgorod,
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